
Spiel at Web Summit 2014 by James Kelleher


“This whole thing about bitching about the man, or waiting for the opportunity, is just bullshit. The tools of the insurgency, of production, are at the ends of your hands and it behoves you to make things. The solution to writer’s block or creative block is to continue the activity until it gets good.” - David Carr

As part of the Web Summit fringe, Pilcrow + Le Cool hosted Breaking Story, a discussion with David Carr (The New York Times) and Shane Snow (Contently). It was one of my favourite Spiel events to date. You can listen to the full audio below, and there are a couple of shorter excerpts too (in particular, make sure you check out Shane’s astonishing ISIS story). 

⁋ Photos by Con O'Donoghue. Thanks to our speakers, everyone at CKSK, to Michael, Olivia and Ross at Le Cool for helping to make this happen, and to Simon Judge for audio help.

by James Kelleher


Pilcrow + Le Cool present Spiel #1
The Bottom Half of the Internet/The Unreal Engine

Racism; typos; filth; spam; ignorance; rage – that’s all the bottom half of the internet is good for, right? Rob Manuel (co-founder B3ta) wants you to question the internet dictum, most beloved of high-profile newspaper columnists, that you should ignore all of the comments all of the time. The ‘war on comments’, he reckons, might just be an echo of a fourth estate that’s having trouble adjusting to the idea of an unwashed public disagreeing with their sacred opinions. Sous les pavés, la plage.

Bitcoin (currently trading at $236.52 $0.09 $120.1) is big enough to feature in The Economist & The Metro alike - but what of the other economies and currencies birthed by the internet? Ed Melvin (Publicis) explores digital money and how it leaks into the real world, whatever that is.

Tuesday 23rd April 7.30pm 
South Studios, 27/28 New Row South, Dublin 8 (map)
€5, BYOB
Buy advance tickets via Paypal: It’s been and gone! Video coming soon.